Bringing emotion to the EDGE


Bringing emotion to the EDGE

5G, MEC, and AI are more than just innovations. They can be used to create empathy, transform learning, and bring emotion into the world of technology.

In conjunction with communities and charities, we have created a series of three short films that use AI to read the emotions of the viewer and change the narrative according to their reactions.

The story behind the story

Artificial Intelligence and the viewers’ expressions help to edit these videos. The stories have a branching narrative, meaning that there are decision points throughout that lead to different scenes and a total of 8 possible endings.

With technologies like 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and EDGE Compute, the distance between people and technology is decreasing. And people are the ones who use technology as a force for good, improving society through innovation and creative thinking.

Watch the behind the scenes video to learn more!

Tom's Story

In this first film, we meet Tom, a young trans man on his first day of work.

Dedicated to Gendered Intelligence

Gary's Story

In this second film, we meet Gary, an outgoing manager who is struggling.

Dedicated to Campaign Against Living Miserably

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Susie's Story

In this third film, we meet Susie, an empathetic colleague with a complicated home life.

Dedicated to DASH

60 characters per line, two lines max, 120 characters total. NGH bold 32/30

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26 characters per line, 4 lines max, 104 characters in total. Maiores dolorum aliquam facilis maxime, et dignissimos iure accusantium, totam, impedit tempora animi? Nihil consequuntur dolore reiciendis, maiores quia rerum odit aut?

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